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On WhatsApp and other messaging apps, you can send uncompressed media by changing the media extension to something like PDF or EXE. However, on Telegram, you don’t need to take this hacky route for sending uncompressed media files. Just select your media and tap on the 3-dot menu. After that, choose “Send without compression” and that is it. How awesome is that? This single Telegram trick has saved me so much headache when sharing photos. In Telegram, you can adjust the color and background. If you like, you can even set up your own custom theme to make Telegram look exactly the way you like. Terminate Active Sessions

Connect With a Proxy Server Telegram Attachment Options Premium subscriptions help Telegram pay not only for the additional expenses of premium features, but also support the free version of Telegram for everyone. To access this feature, swipe right on the homepage and tap on “Saved Messages”. This is your personal space, where you can send as many files as you want to store on Telegram Cloud and then access them from any device, including Mac, PC, and Linux computer.

Create Timestamp for Videos The aforementioned secret chats are where you can take part in end-to-end encrypted messaging with a contact. But that’s not its only benefit: Secret chats also don’t allow a person forward messages from there or take screenshots. Of course, someone could take a picture of the screen with another device, but it’s still discouraged, and it’s bolstered by another feature: self-destruct timers. To lock your messages, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and tap on “Passcode Lock”. You will be asked to set a four-digit passcode and confirm it. Once you do that, you will find additional options to “unlock the app with fingerprint” and “auto-lock” it after a specific duration. While you can receive/send files irrespective of their type and size, you can disable automatic media download and auto-play media to save mobile data. This way, you can also avoid downloading unnecessarily large files.

Just like WhatsApp, Telegram also allows you to share live location with your contacts. This is a very handy feature that I personally use on a regular basis. To share your live location with someone, first open the chat and tap on the attachment button. Now, tap on location. We all have that one person that annoys us by sending too many forwarded messages. Well, Telegram makes it really easy to silence such a contact. Just open the chat and tap on the profile photo of the contact.

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